Top 3 Ways to Earn Money From Youtube (Bangla)

Top 3 Ways to Earn Money From Youtube (Bangla)

There are eight ways to earn money from youtube. Top 3 ways from this list is highlighted below. Let's describe about this ways...
(1)  Adsense : Adsense is the most useful and No-1 Advertising site all over the world. Most of the youtubers have better knowledge about this site. By registering on this site you will be able to show ads on your site if the approved your site after review. Same to same, if you apply to monetize your youtube videos, they will review your channel for approve then they will serve ads on your youtube videos.

(2)  Affiliated Networks : This is the another useful in the youtube. Suppose, you have a youtube channel and it's have more then 5 or 10k Members. Now a Merchant will contact with you for publishing his goods by your video with a best price. Now you will make a video about his goods and add a ordering link on your description link. All r ok...

(3)  Sponsors : Sponsors is a best friend for your income source. Sometimes we can see that a logo in the corner on a video of another company or say at last or first that this video is sponsored by........ This is sponsored. 

So friend if you don't understand just play this video below and subscribe my channel


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