What is ATM Card, Debit Card, Credit Card and Details (Bangla)

There are three types of banking cards in the world. ATM Card, Debit Card and Credit Card. We have some confuse about this card. Now i am trying to clear about this by this video details.

🌲 ATM Card
ATM card is a simple card that help us to withdraw money from ATM Booth. Its work only for taking money from ATM Booth from your bank account. You can't use it to online payment and others.

🌳 Debit Card
Debit Card as like as a ATM Card with some different that its have a logo of Visa, Mastercard and others. By this card you can payment online merchant bill, Online shopping and others. It is linked to your bank account. 

🌴 Credit Card
Credit Card work as like as a Debit Card. Its also have visa and mastercard logo, and you can payment online and use to payment merchant bill. But its have some changes that you can not withdraw money from ATM Booth, because its have not connected to your bank account. Bank just give you some loan for some time and you need to paid it in this time or not you should give them interest.

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